Children’s Ministry

our vision is to help our kids become the

W.O.R.D. Made Flesh

Downtown's Hand in Hand Children’s Ministry is founded on Deuteronomy 6:4-9.  We partner with families to raise children to love the Lord with all their hearts and to live each day focused on Him.  We want to partner with parents and caregivers in the Searcy area to help them be the primary spiritual teachers for their children.  Our curriculum choices, program offerings, and fun activities are intended to be tools for parents and caregivers in their daily efforts to raise mission-minded, God-seekers.

let the little children come to me.


“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” -Deuteronmy 6:4-9

we’re walking with you, every step of the way

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play is part of who we are

We LOVE to talk about Jesus, but we also like to play and have fun! We’ve got a wide variety of camps, activities, and events that provide your kids with fun, creative, and wholesome environments.

Fall Fest

Each fall we transform the DC campus with hayrides, activities, food, and CANDY!

Discovery Camp

In the summer we host Discovery Camp where kids learn about God’s world, technology, and so many other cool things!


In the summer we join forces with the other area churches to host an EPIC VBS for the kids of Searcy!

Storytime with Santa

At Christmas time we set up a winter wonderland for Santa to come and tell a Christmas story!

Daddy-Daughter Date

Developing parent-child bonds are essential for kids! We offer a wide variety of events to help parents enjoy a special evening with their kids.

So Much More…

There’s never a dull moment in Children’s Ministry, with events, parties, Bible Class, and so much more there’s something for everyone!

What To Expect

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  • Go to the first floor of the Children's Center.

  • Children will be checked in at the counter by the big tree.

  • All visitors will be given a pair of matching name tags.

  • One name tag will be placed on the child.

  • One name tag will be the parents' pick-up tag for after Bible class.

  • Children will go with a Counter Attendant to Bible class.

  • NOTE: Only approved adults may go down the halls in the Children's Center before and during Bible class.

  • Parents will take their tags to classroom for pick-up.

1st-6th Grades

  • Go to the second floor of the Children's Center.

  • Visitors will sign in at the counter at the top of the stairs.

  • A Counter Attendant will direct children to their classes and answer questions.

  • At the end of class, first graders must be picked up by an adult.

  • 2nd - 6th graders will be dismissed at the bell.  (Parents are encouraged to designate a meeting spot for their children.)

we love all God’s children

Included in our commitment to Walk Hand in Hand with families is our desire to work with families who have special needs.   Our inclusive, special needs ministry will provide an adult buddy for children who need individual attention in the classroom.  Downtown also has sensory spaces on each level for those children who need time to regroup.  Any of our staff will be happy to help you upon your arrival to Downtown.

Hi, I’m Todd!  I’ve served as a Children’s Minister since 2001 and previously served as the youth minister at Downtown since 1990. I love planning, equipping parents, teaching kids the Bible and making young disciples. I firmly believe that if Jesus takes root in the heart of a child, the seed and fruit will continue to grow for a lifetime. 

hey! I’m Todd

Hi, I’m Jennifer! I am a Jesus follower, wife to Nathan, and mom to three adult children (and three pups).  I have been serving in children's ministry for over 30 years and have been on staff at Downtown since 2011.  My favorite people are under three feet tall, and I love to teach them about the amazing love of Jesus! 

hey! I’m Jennifer

parenting isn’t easy

We get it! Raising kids and helping them grow isn’t easy. And unfortunately, there’s not a “parenting handbook” that explains everything. But that doesn’t mean the Bible is silent when it comes to parenting. We’ve partnered with RightNow Media to make a wealth of resources available to you AND your kids!

the anxious generation

by Jonathan Haidt

Raising kids & families isn’t an easy task, especially with the rise of social media & technology. As a church, we’re talking about how we can have a balanced, God-honoring life in the midst of such a technology driven lifestyle. Check out our conversation on The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt.

we’re committed to safety

You’re trusting us with the safety of your child, and we take that very seriously. We regularly update our Child Safety Policy, and we’re constantly training our amazing volunteers on best practices when working with minors.