Downtown Church

W.O.R.D. Made Flesh

join us as we experience the


For 2025, Downtown will be reading the Word of God “Again F(or) The First Time.” Whether this will be your first time reading through the inspired text or you have done it many times, we encourage you to join us as we systematically make our way from Genesis-Revelation as a church family.

Each Sunday, we will be preaching from a text that the congregation had read the previous week. So even if you do not know exactly what the sermon text chosen will be, you still know the range from which we will be working.
There is accountability and support when we do this together and hold each other accountable. Also, as we go through the text someone else may ask a question you haven’t even considered as we deepen our understanding together.

The end result, with the Spirit’s help, will be: 1) a greater understanding and appreciation of the word of God and 2) to be better equipped to be the W.O.R.D. Made Flesh in Searcy & beyond.

download the 2025 reading plan

for the love of the local church

Are you wanting your church to read through the Bible in a year? We’ve published everything we created for the Again For The First Time campaign for you and your church to use, completely for free. View all resources at The Church Resource Hub.