Downtown Church
our history
the formation
The first meetings of the Church of Christ in Searcy are believed to have been in 1909, outdoors in the area of Cypert and Moss streets. In 1914, the group rented an old school house. In 1924, they moved into a building at Main and Market.
locust & vine
In 1929, a brick building was constructed at Locust & Vine, where the congregation met for over 30 years. Several additions to the building were needed as the congregation grew, and as early as 1956, two services were being held.
the “new” building
In 1962, our congregation relocated six blocks north to our present location at 900 N. Main Street.
A three-story north wing was then added in 1968 to provide more classroom space.
the family life center
The Family Life Center wing, constructed in 1982, houses a full-sized gym, kitchen, and classroom space.
two services
To accommodate a growing church and a change in worship styles, Downtown began offering two worship services, one in the original auditorium and the other in the FLC.
downtown singing
In 1998, several college students began what is now called “Downtown Singing,” a student-led, student-organized worship service that happens at 8:30 p.m. on Sunday evenings. Nearly thirty years later, hundreds of students participate each week, and Downtown Singing remains a staple of the “Harding Experience.”
south children’s wing
Once again, in 2000, additional classroom spaces were added to accommodate growth and alleviate the growing pains the children’s ministry was experiencing.
flc addition
In 2010, an expansion project was completed, expanding the FLC to its current size. An extra half-sized basketball court and extra bathroom facilities were added. All the worship services were joined together, and one large worship service was conducted in the FLC.
In 2016, to accommodate even more growth in the Children’s Ministry, Downtown launched the Room-to-Grow campaign, a project seeking to raise the necessary capital to combine all the children’s classes into one state-of-the-art facility.
children’s wing opens
In 2018, the brand-new children’s wing opened, and regular kids activities began in the new section of the building.
the W.O.R.D. made flesh
In 2019, Downtown announced its new mission for the church. The leading goal that would drive all ministries was the motto “to be the W.O.R.D. made flesh - Worshipful, Obedient, Relational, Disciple-Makers.
the pandemic
During the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, services pivoted online. We invested in live-streaming and worked to update our digital platforms to better connect with people in the twenty-first century.
ARcare center for education
In 2023, in partnership with ARcare, Downtown opened a child-care facility specifically focused on children who were in the foster care system and children with significant trauma or “at-risk” home lives.

our mission
W.O.R.D. Made Flesh
Our mission, to be Worshipful, Obedient, Relational, Disciple-Makers, is influenced by a rich history and legacy. Learn more about our mission and beliefs and how we’re working to bring the Kingdom here in Searcy.