Downtown Church

our vision is to be the

W.O.R.D. Made Flesh

food pantry

Our food pantry is open every Wednesday from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. You can find it in the north parking lot of the campus. We are proud to mention that the Downtown Food Pantry serves nearly 300 individuals every week and is fully funded by the Downtown Church.

community garden

Did you know that Downtown has a community garden?  The garden was started some 12 years ago and is open to anyone in the community.  While it is on church property it is supported by a small membership fee and annual plant sales. There are a few plots available.  For more information contact the church office.

local partnerships


Jacob’s Place

Sparrow’s Promise

Mission Machine

Ahlf Junior High

100 Families

Child Safety Center

Christopher Homes

Hope Cottage

El Puente


John 3:17

other resources

Authentic Marriage

Divorce Care

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