Authentic Marriage
our goal is to help couples become the
W.O.R.D. Made Flesh
authentic marriage
In today’s world, is it possible to have a great and thriving marriage? Authentic Marriage is a marriage enrichment program designed to benefit marriages in any condition – whether you are struggling to get along, your marriage is completely broken, or you simply want to grow closer together as a couple. Whether your marriage needs to be reignited or is in need of a complete resurrection, Authentic Marriage is a safe place for couples to reconnect. Will you and your spouse prayerfully consider joining us on Sunday mornings? New groups begin each Fall.
To see when the next Authentic Marriage session begins, please contact the Church Office.
isn’t easy
We get it! Marriage isn’t easy. And unfortunately, there’s not a “marriage handbook” that explains everything. But that doesn’t mean the Bible is silent when it comes to marriage. We’ve partnered with RightNow Media to make a wealth of resources available to you AND your spouse!