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8:00 and 10:45 am Worship
9:30 a.m. Bible Classes 

8:30 pm Worship (begins 8/27)

Small groups meet at various times


4:00 p.m. Early worship in Room 154
6:30 p.m. Classes for children, youth & adults


Interested in helping with the kingdom work we are doing?

wellspring logoThe Wellspring Summit is an annual one-day event filled with classes, fellowship, panels and more to equip and encourage parents, grandparents, guardians, and caregivers. We offer keynote sessions on broader parenting themes and break-out sessions that focus on specific topics and stages of childhood development led by parents who aren't perfect but have been there before.

We look forward to you joining us for our next Wellspring Summit on November 12, 2020!

Below are links to listen to the keynote sessions and just a few of the breakout sessions from past years.


MAIN SESSIONS -- Don McGlaughlin

"Who's Raising Who?"

"28 is the New 18"


"A Change in Plans -- When Kids Go Their Own Way" (Don McGlaughlin)

"All My Children" (Don McGlaughlin)



MAIN SESSIONS -- Don McGlaughlin

#1: "Heading for God Knows What"

#2: "The New Norm I Didn't Ask For"

Final Words from Don


Breakout #1

This Changes Everything (Don McGlaughlin)

Purity for Life "Yes, It's Time" (Brent Wilhite with Zach Haugh)

Fostering & Adoption "Adoption/Foster Care 101 (Chris & Jen Massey, Tim & Heather Noel)

Breakout #2

Your Long Lost Friend (Don McGlaughlin)

Purity for Life "I Messed Up, Now What?" (Brent Wilhite with Zach Haugh and Mike Keese)

Breakout #3

Preparing for Academic Success "Navigating the Social and Emotional Landscape of School (Beverly Froud)

Purity for Life "Panel Discussion" (Andrew & Amy Baker, Todd & Marcie Miller, Cooer & Marissa Longley)



“Family Wellness When the World’s Not Feeling Well” Session 1 with Don McLaughlin

“Family Wellness When the World’s Not Feeling Well” Session 2 with Don McLaughlin

“Race & Racism: How do we address the tough stuff with our children?” with Dina Vinson

“Sexuality: What’s My Response When My Child Asks About Sexuality?” with Zach & Cassandra Haugh

“Screen Time: Do You Save a Seat for Your Phone at the Dinner Table?” with Joseph Mankin


DC Hospitality teams choose to live out Following Jesus, Loving God and Loving Others by the way we welcome our guests and invite them to join our fellowship. This means we want our guests and members to feel welcome from the time they come onto our property.

  • We will smile and say “welcome!” and mean it.
  • We will work to provide adequate signage and the appropriate helping hand so guests can find their way around our campus.
  • We will provide an easily identifiable “Welcome Center” staffed with an informed team.
  • We won’t point the way, we will accompany guests to their destination.

Available Hospitality positions are:

  • Golf Cart Driver-transport those parking in remote parking spaces to the desired entrance. Usually this involves one Sunday Morning per month from 7:40 am to 10:50 am.
  • Parking lot attendant-guide vehicles to appropriate parking spaces and drop off areas. Usually this involves serving one Sunday Morning per month from 7:40-10:50 am
  • Door Greeter-smiles, open doors, and a warm greeting; Once per month from 7:40-8:15, 9:15-9:45, 10:15-11:50
  • Welcome Center-provide information, directions to guests; 7:45-10:50 usually about one Sunday per month.

If you are interested in helping with this ministry, call the church office at 501-268-5383 and ask for Tim Davis.

Divorce careDo you know someone who is going through a divorce or who has recently gone through one and is dealing with the accompanying pain and frustration of this traumatic event?

Divorce Care is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Don’t go through separation or divorce alone. The program is on Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. and child care is provided.

For further information, contact: Launa Bookwalter or Bob Lercher at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We love university students at Downtown.  You add energy and excitement to our family!  We hope you will do more than just attend worship and Bible class.  We hope you will reach out and get to know some of our families by introducing yourself, and offering to serve in one of our ministries.  We know college is a busy time, but you will find the investment of a little time in God's work to be very rewarding for yourself and for others.  So jump in!!

find us on facebook badge

Iron Sharpening Iron

men-ministryThank you to those who have attended the men’s breakfasts and have given valuable input by completing the surveys. As a result, here are some suggestions about our direction:

  1. Several indicated a desire to see the formation of small groups and mentoring opportunities to help with teaching and accountability.
  2. Some would like to plan a men’s retreat, possibly in the spring.
  3. Others are in favor of us continuing the men’s breakfast and/or have regular gatherings.

We are working on other events and will continue to look for ways to meet these expressed needs.

Feel free to contact us for future input or volunteer to help with the ministry.

Be blessed ~ Tom Martin, Dennis Rine


CHM logoThe Christian Health Ministry of White County (CHM) is a 501C-3 non-profit faith-based holistic outreach care ministry with a mission of promoting the physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness of the medically disadvantaged in White County. The CHM is located at 1982 North Main Street in Searcy and is open the third Sunday of the month (unless it is a holiday) from 1-5 pm. Please call 501-305-3888 between 1:30-5 pm that day and make an appt if possible. We take up to 4 new patients each clinic day.  

The “medically disadvantaged”, as defined by the CHM Board of Directors, are those who

  1. Find themselves unable to pay for medical treatment,
  2. Have no private medical insurance,
  3. Are not receiving Medicare or Medicaid and
  4. Whose family income does not exceed clinic standards.

Those seeking services at CHM have an opportunity to make a $5 donation. No one is turned away from obtaining services because of the inability to pay.

Services Provided

  • Basic Family Health Care
  • Pharmacy
  • Laboratory Testing

Staff and Operation


CHM is staffed entirely by volunteers and operates through donations from individuals, churches & businesses in our community. The heart of

our ministry is the volunteers that make this ministry happen.  All volunteer medical staff hold current Arkansas licenses to practice in the state.


CHM’S desire is to meet the basic needs of the whole person (physically, emotionally & spiritually) and to share the love of Christ by serving others. Spiritual counseling & teaching is available, but not required, to those receiving care. Our hope is that, through the services offered by CHM, the “medically disadvantaged” citizens of White County will have an opportunity to attain wellness of the body, mind, and spirit. Through these wellness opportunities, we will be able to improve the overall quality of lives and assist in the overall development of better families, employees, and citizens of our county.


For more information on how you can be a Christian Health Ministry volunteer, feel free to contact our church office at 501-268-5383.

MOPS-SayYes-Logo-with-verse.jpgMOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) is an international organization for all moms of infants to kindergarteners, providing an opportunity to meet other moms and make the journey of motherhood together.  Searcy MOPS exists to equip, encourage, and develop moms. HERE is a document that tells you more!

Our group's regular meetings are the first and third Wednesday of each month, from 9:00-11:00 am, September through May in the Youth Room upstairs at Downtown Church of Christ.  At each of our meetings, moms enjoy a chance to socialize with other moms.  We have a time for food and fellowship, followed by a speaker (on a topic moms would be interested in), a creative activity, plus a small group discussion that allows you to get to know other moms more closely. During each meeting, our “Moppets” get some great supervised kid time where they can interact with other children, sing songs, participate in crafts and listen to Bible stories.MOPS SayYes Tenets BefriendDiscomfort 1

***THE FIRST MEETING on August 23 is an open-house style MEET & GREET at the Downtown Church Playground from 9-11:00 AM.  Come learn more!

Dues for the year are $56, which covers local costs and a MOPS International membership.  Scholarships are available.  

Email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact Jennifer Ruhl at (756)775-6922.

Find us on Facebook HERE.

MOPS logo


married coupleWe are committed to helping marriages thrive. Marriage is under attack. There is little in the world around us—our culture, the media, popular attitudes—that values and upholds marriage. These days, divorce is considered a minor issue, not a serious problem. So marriages fall apart and divorce rates are correspondingly high.

As a church, we want to swim against the prevailing tide.

Please click here to read the statement by our Shepherds on marriage and divorce.

As part of our commitment to marriages, we recommend the following resources:

Counseling - we have some wonderful counselors.  We will help you cover the financial costs associated with counseling, should that be necessary. And we will pray for you as you are in counseling.

Mentoring - we will help connect younger couples with older couples for mentoring in the art of strengthening marriage.

Classes offered at Downtown as needed:

Out-of-town workshops we recommend:

  • A New Beginning, offered by the Family Dynamics Institute - various cities
  • National Institute of Marriage, a partner of Focus on the Family - Branson, MO. They offer intensives with a counselor for marriages on the brink of divorce (2 to 6 days), as well as enrichment retreats to make good marriages even better.

Scholarships may be available for these different classes and workshops.  Contact the church office.

Call the church office at 268-5383 for benevolence assistance.

If you are interested in working in this ministry, please talk to Ron Baker. The deacons over Benevolence are Robert Abston and Phil Brown.

The Goal

“Let the man who has two tunics share with him who has none; and let him who has food do likewise”…  Luke 3:11

The Bible is clear, both in the Old and New Testaments that we are to help the poor.  In today’s economy, people are really struggling to put food on the table, pay rent and utilities, pay for medicine, etc..  The benevolence ministry team has determined to approach this need holistically.  While we want to take care of emergency needs to the extent possible, our ultimate desire is to turn lives around, both physically and spiritually.

Food Pantry

The Food Pantry is perhaps the most visible of our benevolence outreach programs.  It is open on Wednesdays from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and is staffed by some of our retired members and teens who are homeschooled.  Others volunteer their time to shop, sort and prepare the food bags, which contain recipes for the food in the bags.   Still others write uplifting notes and scriptures which are also placed in the bags.  

Skills Classes

From time to time classes are offered in the following topics. These classes are just part of the holistic approach  the Downtown church is taking. 

  • “Backyard Intensive Gardening”
  • “How To Prepare Inexpensive Nutritious Meals"
  • “How To Live Within Your Means”.

The Future of our Program

As this ministry continues to grow we will need more and more volunteers.  If you are interested in working in this ministry, please contact Ron Baker.

"Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully" Romans 12:4-8

Within the Downtown Church family, we desire that each member be equipped to use their gifts for the Lord, and then do that very thing. We encourage you to look at the list below, find the areas that match the talents God has given you, then, contact the person listed for that ministry.  Members, use CHURCH CENTER or contact our Support Staff at the office for phone numbers/email addresses of ministry leaders.

 Full Ministry List




The Women's Ministry is a subset of the overall ministry of the Downtown Church of Christ.  We want to seek the same core values and goals as our overall church body.  As a ministry we are seeking ways to help foster CONNECTION, GROWTH, SERVICE, GIVING and GOING for the women of Downtown Church.